About Us

Charnock Richard Pre-School

The Pre School was established in the Parish Rooms in 1986 due to the lack of childcare provision in the area. The original building was built in 1858 and was the school and Headmasters house. The building was gifted to the village community by the Darlington Family for Educational and Social purposes. The Pre School use the building during the day, and it is used by other community groups in the evenings.

We are in a semi rural location in the centre of Charnock Richard. The Pre School occupies the Parish rooms on Charter Lane. This gives us two large indoor areas and a large outdoor area. We have parents who volunteer their time to do sessions with our children such as Rugby and singing.

We have excellent links with the community and use our locality to our advantage. Taking the children on area walks and visiting local places such as Church, the Orchard gardens and the woodland garden that is part of the local Primary School. We also enjoy joining in with community events such as the scarecrow festival, harvest festival and walking day. We have good links with the wider community of Chorley and have recently won ‘Gold’ award in the Chorley flower show.

Charnock Richard Pre School is a place where children learn through play. Play is central to children’s learning and is the key way in which they learn. At Charnock Richard Pre School we provide a rich and stimulating indoor and outdoor play environment in a safe and secure setting which enables the children to learn through meaningful play experiences. We plan play activities dependent on the interests of the individual, and support and develop spontaneous play.

Please see our Group Learning books and Learning Journey books. These show how your child has developed and learned new skills in many areas, in just those recorded experiences! Learning Journeys are kept in the Pre-school room.
The Early Years Foundation Framework


Providers need to carry out 2 main assessments of the children in their care:

The EYFS progress check at age 2, which consists of a short written summary of a child’s development when they are between 24 and 36 months

The EYFS profile, which summarises and describes a child’s attainment at the end of the EYFS (ie at age 5)

Formative assessments are undertaken continuously and these are used to inform weekly enhancements to broaden children’s learning experiences. Summative assessments are undertaken termly, these are then used to provide further deeper learning experiences for the following term.

Both assessments look at a child’s progress in the following 7 areas:

Prime areas of learning:

Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development

Specific areas of learning: Literacy
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
Our People

Pre-School Committee

Our Pre School is a non profit making organisation and is a registered charity (no.1105516) we are also members of the Learning Alliance.

We are required to appoint a committee made up of parents (past and present) who are willing to support the group and attend 4-5 meetings a year and be involved in policy, proceedure and decision making.  We need more members to fill our vacant positions and generally to attend more meetings.

Without a committee our Pre School would not be able to exist.

Current Committee members, Chairperson: Steven Hughes (past parent)  Treasurer: Adele Calderbank (past parent) Secretary: Zoe Cross (Parent)

All parents are welcome to attend committee meetings. Please see the parent notice board for details of the next meeting or ask a member of staff.

Parent Testimonials

Happy Parents

“Staff provide a wide and exciting variety of activities for the children to learn from.”


“I have been coming with my children for a total of 12 years and its got better and better.”


“You are caring and responsive to my childs needs.”


“Activities are exceptionally well planned and the themes mean learning is reinforced all week.”


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07944 217699

Our Location

Charnock Richard Pre School, Charter Lane, Charnock Richard, Chorley, PR7 5NA

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